Today is my 4oth Birthday. It doesn't seem quite like I should be 4o years old yet. On the other hand, some days, I feel like I am 80 instead. I have recently been finding myself contemplating things like where I have been in life, things that I have done, thinking about things I wish I had done or not done. One thing I would never take back or change is having my daughter. She is the light of my life and what keeps me going on those days that I am feeling every day of my age.
When I was in my teens and twenties, I would often wonder about things like what I would be doing at this age, what career I would have, would I have a family, would I have money( I grew up very poor), who would I marry and where would I live? The normal stuff, I suppose. Now, looking back, things are really nothing like what I imagined they would be like. That has gotten me to wondering, Is this a good thing or bad? Am I really happy about where I am? Are there things I want to change before it is too late? or Is everything just as it should be? What will the next 10 years have in store for me?
The last couple years have been full of changes for me, a divorce, learning to share custody of my daughter and not be with her all the time, getting remarried, my daughter starting preschool. Whew!! Now my head is really spinning!!
Do you ever think about these sorts of things? Do you ever wonder if the road you are on is the right one?
Okay, enough with the ramblings of a 40 year old birthday girl's aging brain.
Anyway, Happy 4oth Birthday To Me!!
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