22 Eylül 2012 Cumartesi

Oranges with Raspberry Sauce and Ginger

This is a nice way to add excitement to oranges in the middle of winter, when most other fruits are out of season. The pickled ginger adds just the right touch of zing.

serves 4

6 large oranges
One 10-ounce package frozen raspberries, thawed
Sugar, to taste (optional)
Finely sliced pickled ginger (I use Ginger People Grated Ginger)

Peel and segment the oranges and remove all the membrane (I cheat on this and cut my oranges in half, then score and scoop them out just like a grapefruit). Do this over a medium bowl, collecting all the extra juice and putting the orange segments into the bowl.

Use a strainer to get all the extra orange juice out of the bowl of oranges and place it in a Vita-Mix or other blender along with the raspberries. Blend until smooth. Taste and add a little sugar if desired.

To serve, divide the orange segments into dessert bowls and top with a generous amount of pickled ginger. Serve with raspberry sauce.

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