25 Eylül 2012 Salı

Freschetta & The Strength of 1

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Right now through the end of October, the makers of Freschetta pizza are teaming up with Bright Pink to help promote The Strength of 1 campaign in order to promote breast cancer awareness. Bright Pink is the only national non-profit organization focusing on the prevention and early detection of breast and ovarian cancer in young women, while providing support to high-risk individuals. 

Do you have a story about someone you know or maybe yourself that demonstrates "The Strength of 1" power and making a real difference in the battle against breast cancer? Then why not share this story and/or experience. Freschetta will make a donation to the winner's choice, just head on over HERE to get started. 

Don't have a story to share, no worries, you can still help out, you can Take The Pledge, just like I did,  to make a difference. If you do, you will receive a coupon for $1 off your next Freschetta pizza purchase. You can even help spread the word on Twitter by taking the Twitter Challenge. 

Everyone can make a difference, so why not get started today!

*I occasionally receive compensation for posts. However, all the opinions I share are entirely my own. I am sharing this post with you as a member of MomSelect and have the chance to win a cash prize. 

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