It's been a big couple of weeks here at The Kitchen is My Playground, with this little slice of blogland reaching two pretty cool milestones. At least I think they're pretty cool!
So what are these cool milestones, you ask? Well, please allow me to share ...
1. Last week, The Kitchen is My Playground hit the 1,000 Facebook followers mark! Thank you soooooo much to all the site's Facebook followers ... and to all followers through other following ways, too. I so appreciate each and every one of you.
(And now for a totally shameless, self-promotion plug ... if you're not a follower already, I'd love to have you as one! I invite you to follow The Kitchen is My Playground by Pinterest, Facebook, Google Friend Connect, Linky Followers, bloglovin', or Feedburner. Pretty please with sugar on top? ... You'll put a big smile on my face!)
2. Drum roll please ... TODAY, yes, just this very day, ... The Kitchen is My Playground received its 1 millionth pageview!!!!! Mmmmm, hmmmm ... 1 million ... 1,000,852 to be exact. Now, I know in the huge world of blogland that this is still a small blog, but I'm really excited about 1 million views! Thank you, thank you, thank you a million thank you's to all the readers out there. I'm so touched and humbled by this milestone.
To celebrate, I decided to share these yummy Nutella waffles. Now, I love mine topped with some fruit and drizzled with pure Vermont maple syrup ...
But if that's not enough of a 1,000,000th pageview celebration for ya, then how about a Nutella Waffle Sundae?
Take a warm Nutella Waffle, scoop on vanilla ice cream, drizzle it with some warmed Nutella, and plop a cherry on top. Then dig on in to my kind of sundae!
Thank you, readers, for putting a smile on my bloggy face each day! My hope is that my kitchen adventures put a little smile on your face in return.
(Pssssstt! ... now go make these waffles. You deserve them.)
I invite you to follow The Kitchen is My Playground with Pinterest, Facebook, Google Friend Connect, Linky Followers, bloglovin', or Feedburner. Buttons are in the right sidebar. I'd love to have you back soon!

Nutella Waffles
Source: Adapted from my Mom's Sour Cream Waffles
3 eggs, separated
1/2 c. milk
1/2 c. butter, melted
1 tsp. vanilla extract
3/4 c. Nutella
1 1/2 c. flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
Beat the egg yolks in a large bowl until they turn pale yellow in color. Beat in milk, melted butter, vanilla extract, and Nutella. Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt; add to egg yolk mixture and beat well.
In a clean bowl, beat egg whites until stiff. Carefully fold into batter until well combined.
Cook in a waffle maker according to maufacturer's directions. (I use a Belgium waffle maker for big, thick waffles.)
Makes approximately 12 waffles, depending on the size of your waffle maker.
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