Along with the joy of receiving this award came some guilt, though. So, I have a confession to make. I've received awards in the past, too, and ... while I've acknowledged the giver ... I haven't passed any awards along, which is the truly super fun part of receiving one of the blog awards, right?!? So I decided I would rectify that today, and do one big "I'm catching up on awards" post. Thanks to Dawn for pushing me along to clear my conscience! :-)
Now, I'm not going to exactly follow all the blog award rules ... I've always been a bit of a rule-bender like that ... not a get-in-all-kinds-of-trouble rule-breaker, mind you ... but a bender, YES. I've listed the rules of each award ... ya know, so others can follow them ... but I'm going to just stick to the spirit of the rules (which is recognizing awesome and inspiring blogs, right?). Shhhhhhh!! ... don't tell the award police. Okay?
Sunshine Award
The Sunshine Award is an award passed on by bloggers to other bloggers “who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere.” Thank you so much to Dawn at DJ's Sugar Shack for passing this award along to me! I'm truly touched to be considered a positive and creative inspiration to others!
1. Thank the blogger who gave it to you
2. Answer 10 questions about yourself
3. Pass on to 10 favorite bloggers & leave them a comment letting them know
Sunshine Award questions and my answers:
1. Favorite color: It depends on what we're talking about! For clothes - black. There's about an 85% chance on any given day that I'm wearing black. For house walls - neutral white or beige. I mean, seriously, that way you change up your furnishings and decorations without having to repaint! (Can you tell I'm a practical girl??) For 'just fun' - probably red or bright yellow ... they're happy colors.
2. Favorite animal: Monkeys ... they're fun. And I fed one out of my hand in Costa Rica. And giraffes ... they're pretty. I fed one out of my mouth not long ago. (I'm noticing a trend here...)

(click this link to read the story about me feeding the giraffe)
3. Favorite number: 13 ... really, it is.4. Favorite drink: Chardonnay. (Unless it's before 5:00 ... then water.)5. Facebook or Twitter: Facebook. I don't tweet. I can only handle just so many forms of social media.6. Good Book or a Good Movie: Good book ... and then see it as a good movie!7. My Passion: Teaching. And chocolate.8. Giving or getting presents: BOTH!!! I absolutely love to give presents! ... Love seeing others happy. But I'd be fibbing if I didn't say that I love to get them, too!9. Favorite day of the year: Thanksgiving ... lots of delicious food and time with family!10. Favorite flowers: Tulips. Especially crazy-colored ones. They're so beautiful.
Versatile Blogger Award Thank you so much to Evie at Brown Paper Packages for passing along The Versatile Blogger award to me! I truly appreciate it, Evie.

1. Thank the blogger who awarded you and link back to them.
2. Share 7 things about yourself (see Sunshine Award answers above, or I share a whoooooole lot more about myself on my About page.)
3. Pass the award along to 10 other newly discovered blogs.
Liebster Blog AwardThanks so much to Hearty Appletite and Anita at Aunt Nubby's Kitchen for awarding me the Liebster award! So, so sweet, ladies.

Anita shared that in German "Liebster" means "dear" and the verb "Lieber" is "to love," and that the purpose of this award is to bring attention to blogs with less than 200 followers. To echo Anita's sentiment about receiving this award, it certainly does make one feel "dearly loved" to receive this award.
Now, I do indeed have more than 200 followers ... but I assure you that these two fine ladies didn't break any rules when giving me this award! Remember my confession at the start of the post??? ... uh, yeh ... I was given this award a loooooooooong time ago ... back when this blog met the followers requirement.Rules:
1. Thank your giver
2. Copy and paste the "Liebster" award to your blog
3. Pay it forward to 5 blogs who you feel deserve this award
Now for the super-fun part!!!!
I hereby bestow these blog award honors upon the following fabulously-fantastic and inspiring bloggers, who ... though they may not know it ... encourage and inspire me every day.
Thanks for being awesome, my bloggy friends!
1. Nicole at Heat Oven to 350
Nicole is hysterically funny - her posts will keep you in stitches! She was the first non-family-person to leave a comment on my blog and is a fellow native Vermonter, so she has a special place in my blog-heart. Nicole just welcomed her daughter into the world, so she's a little quiet on the blog scene right now, but there are lots of fabulous posts in her archives that will keep you rolling!
2. Dorothy at Crazy for Crust
Oh my, Dorothy is another hysterically funny one. And she shares fabulously delicious sweets that keep me drooling at my computer screen.
3. Lisa at Shine Your Light
Lisa is so immensely kind-hearted and encouraging. I'm always uplifted by her posts and comments!
4. Anita at Aunt Nubby's Kitchen
Anita and I began our blogs right around the same time. She's another immensely kind-hearted blogger who makes you want to ask if she'll be your Aunt Nubby, too!
5. Lisa at Sweet As Sugar Cookies
Lisa is indeed as sweet as a sugar cookie. Lisa welcomed me into the bloggy community and invited me to participate in my first linky party!
6. Tina at Mom's Crazy Cooking
Tina is the hostess-with-the-mostest of one of the monthly challenges in which I participate, The Crazy Cooking Challenge. Tina works soooo hard to pull this challenge together each month. Thank you, Tina!!
7. Kristen at Kristen's Creations
Kristen is incredibly talented and awes me every time with her home projects. Her creations are so beautiful!
8. Jill at Kitchen Fun With My Three Sons
Jill is sooooo immensely creative with her kitchen projects! Seriously, I'm amazed at what she comes up with every time she posts.
9. Dawn at Addicted to Recipes
Aahhhhh, Dawn .... we share the same addiction. Need I say more?
10. Heather & Vanessa at At the Picket Fence
Heather and Vanessa truly 'speak' from the heart, and are so kind and encouraging. I'm always inspired by their wonderful comments!
If you've never 'met' these bloggers, pop on over to check them out. Seriously, they are some of the best around.
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